DATOS MACRO-Las solicitudes de hipotecas en EEUU suben un 0,9%
21 dic (Reuters) – El índice compuesto del mercado de la Asociación de Bancos Hipotecarios (MBA, por sus siglas en inglés), que mide el volumen de solicitudes de préstamos hipotecarios, subió un 0,9%, según los últimos datos semanales disponibles, tras un aumento del 3,2% en la semana anterior. Por su parte, el tipo de interés
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Cuándo Bajarán Las Tasas Hipotecarias
Las tasas hipotecarias han subido en los últimos 18 meses a medida que la Reserva Federal aumentaba su tasa de interés de referencia para combatir la inflación.Las acciones de la Fed influyen indirectamente en las tasas hipotecarias, y si la inflación se controla, las tasas pueden eventualmente disminuir.
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Rents down in Charlotte compared to a year ago
And many of those are filling, but there aren't enough people to fill all of those, so vacancy rates of apartments are at a record high of about 10.7%. And so when we had a surge a couple of years ago in construction of apartments, those don't come online for a couple more years —
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Buy Property in North Carolina and You’ll Be Rich in 5 Years
Real Estate is a reliable means of wealth-building, with certain US states offering promising investment opportunities. North Carolina is highlighted as a top state for Real Estate investment over the next 5-yr. North Carolina's population growth is among the fastest in the US, with its population increasing rapidly in recent years.
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Almost 6 months in, Charlotte’s elimination of single-family-only zoning still on shaky ground
The cost of housing is the most important local issue for Mecklenburg residents. The city has implemented the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to encourage developers to build more affordable homes. However, some members of the City Council are now skeptical about the UDO's effectiveness. The UDO is connected to issues of segregation and there are
Happy Holidays
The middle of winter has long been a time of celebration around the world. Many peoples rejoiced during the winter solstice, when the worst of the winter was behind them, and they could look forward to longer days and extended hours of sunlight.Popular modern customs include gift-giving and the display of various holiday decorations.Here's wishing
NC’s Triangle Office Market: Struggles and Glimmers
High vacancy rates persist in the Triangle's office market despite some gains in Q3. Loan performance and refinancing options are constrained by high interest rates. Uncertainty around return-to-work initiatives hampers new leasing activity.
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Charlotte ranks top 5 most desirable city to live in
Charlotte has been ranked as the 4th most desirable city for working adults and the 3rd most desirable city for retired individuals. The study also found that Charlotte is the 17th most affordable city out of 113 cities considered. Raleigh ranked 6th in desirability and 22nd in affordability. The study analyzed various factors such as
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North Carolina’s Top Tax Ranking
North Carolina ↑ 9th place for best tax climate in the U.S., driven by significant reforms. North Carolina's improved tax climate, up from 10th place yearly, lures work, residents, investments, and jobs.The change is attributed to a decade of tax reforms led by legislative Republicans.
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